IDFPR Defense & Advocacy Legal Resources

The 1818 Blog is a collection of Illinois legal resources focused on IDFPR defense & advocacy legal resources along with zoning & other aspects of civil law. View these resources below.

Porch Cases Are No Joke – Limit Your Exposure With Tenants and the City

When is a Sign Language Interpreter Required by Law?

Zoning – Don’t Let Zoning Dictate Your Plans

Client Complaints That Could Put Your Psychology or Social Work License in Jeopardy

6 Tips for Dealing With Difficult Patients… Without Losing Your License

Can You Lose Your Nursing License if You Get a DUI?

Does Illinois Impose Sales Tax on Botox Injections?

Pharmacists Caught Diverting Drugs — Your Guide to Help Save Your Professional License

Anti-kickback Statute and Stark Law in Illinois: Examples and Exceptions

Contesting an IPCB Enforcement Complaint

How to Hire an Attorney for IDFPR Issues: What to Ask (and What to Avoid)

Ghosting Clients Can Cost You Your Real Estate License

What You Will Find in Our IDFPR Defense & Advocacy Legal Resources

License protection isn’t something most professionals choose to think about. But when government investigations or litigation are underway, it’s essential to understand your rights and the process you’re facing.

This is more important than ever in the Prairie State, where the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation enforces legal standards for more than 100 professions and business types.

For these reasons, the 1818 team is dedicated to providing useful IDFPR defense and advocacy legal resources for individuals, businesses, and organizations throughout Illinois.

1818 principal Jordan Matyas works closely with the IDFPR and other city, county, and state agencies on our clients’ behalf, which means our firm is acutely aware of the changes to regulations that are coming soon or under consideration. As a former IDFPR supervisor, Jordan is uniquely capable of analyzing the indicators from Illinois agencies that will impact clients who need professional license defense, administrative law assistance, counsel for litigation, and other related challenges.

Further, as a registered State and City lobbyist, Jordan is also qualified to share insights on government relations goals, legislative and policy concerns, and other public affairs opportunities, including how to navigate government contracts and the procurement process.

Additional information includes regular updates on IDFPR enforcement actions and what you can learn from them, guides to obtaining and maintaining professional licenses, how discrimination leads to litigation, and other important topics for Illinois residents and professionals.

Above, you’ll find relevant information that is focused on issues that matter to local stakeholders, including IDFPR defense and advocacy legal resources, zoning updates, and other aspects of civil law.

View our recent posts above.

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