Author: Jordan Matyas

Red 'wine' marquee sign on bar with assortment of liquor bottles behind it

Chicago is the Best BYOB City

Chicago embraces the idea of BYOB, or “bring your own bottle/beer.”  The City has almost 6000 restaurants that allow their customers to bring their favorite wine or beer in with them to drink while they dine, openly and legally. This practice is popular with customers and restaurants alike, as it offers a range of benefits from licensing requirements to cost. Of course, there are a few caveats that diners should keep in mind while indulging.  Despite being a BYOB-friendly city, Chicago does have rules that attempt to keep the practice within acceptable bounds.

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Woman holding cellphone

FOIA Regarding Text Messages on Personal Devices

The Illinois Freedom of Information Act was initially enacted in 1984 to allow the citizens of the state access to government at all levels. Many things have changed since 1984, including technology such as cell phones, tablets, and other personal devices that may double as conduits for public records.

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Photo of person getting tattoo on body

Who can Remove a Tattoo in Illinois?

In Illinois, the only way to have a tattoo removed is by a licensed physician. The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) requires that anyone seeking a symbol removed must be examined by a physician who will determine the safest way to proceed.

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